Natte shimatta!

Duration 1:54 / 114 seconds
Artist μ's
Description A song that'll make the listener cry from nostalgia and seeing the girls doing so well. The song uses strings heavily to represent μ's. It talks of having fallen in love and inadvertently admitting it to oneself. There's no going back from that feeling.
Release date 2020 / 03 / 25
Internal ID #1084
Difficulty Notes Notes/s Score multiplier
Normal (5) 166 1.46 x203.4 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Hard (8) 319 2.8 x441.4 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Expert (9) 459 4.03 x682.9 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Master (11) 706 6.19 x1002.1 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Master level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 7 5 1 4 9 3 2 6 8
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 91 113.7 150.6 132.1 39.9 135.4 149.7 107.3 82.5
Single 63.5 84.2 105.3 103.9 34.4 106.6 104.1 78 64.7
Hold 27.6 29.6 45.4 28.2 5.6 28.8 45.6 29.2 17.8
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 62 80 103 96 30 98 102 75 60
Single 53 70 88 86 28 88 87 65 54
Hold 9 10 15 10 2 10 15 10 6
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 706 1002.1
Single 619 744.5
Hold 87 257.6
Expert level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 7 2 3 6 9 5 1 4 8
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 44.1 101.9 98.6 85.1 18 88.7 106.3 96.3 44.1
Single 29.6 65.1 62.3 49.7 18 53.4 61 65.4 29.6
Hold 14.6 36.8 36.4 35.4 0 35.2 45.4 30.8 14.6
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 30 69 66 55 16 58 68 67 30
Single 25 56 53 43 16 46 52 56 25
Hold 5 13 13 12 0 12 16 11 5
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 459 682.9
Single 372 433.8
Hold 87 249.1
Hard level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 7 4 1 6 9 5 2 3 8
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 38.8 63.9 69.2 40.7 18.9 43.2 68.7 66.8 31.3
Single 30 44.4 41.2 32.8 15.9 38.2 37.9 44.3 25.5
Hold 8.8 19.6 28 7.8 3 5 30.8 22.6 5.8
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 29 46 46 32 15 36 44 47 24
Single 26 39 36 29 14 34 33 39 22
Hold 3 7 10 3 1 2 11 8 2
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 319 441.4
Single 272 310.1
Hold 47 131.4
Normal level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 8 6 2 5 9 3 1 4 7
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 17.7 22.9 27.6 23.7 15.7 24.7 29.8 23.8 17.7
Single 11.9 17.9 24.8 18.4 15.7 19.5 26.9 18.8 12
Hold 5.8 5 2.8 5.2 0 5.2 2.8 5 5.8
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 13 18 24 19 14 20 26 19 13
Single 11 16 23 17 14 18 25 17 11
Hold 2 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 2
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 166 203.4
Single 152 165.7
Hold 14 37.8