Angelic Angel (School Idol Festival AC)

Duration 2:01 / 121.98 seconds
Artist μ's
Description A background song in Love Live! The School Idol Movie. This song is memorable for its characters dressed in Japanese-style costumes performed on the backdrop of NYC at night. The emotive guitar and mellow drums represent μ's striking off in a new direction with this unprecedented sound.
Release date 2024 / 04 / 11
Internal ID #1136
Difficulty Notes Notes/s Score multiplier
Master (15) 469 3.84 x737.3 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Master level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 8 3 1 5 9 6 2 4 7
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 52.6 106.9 111.6 81.1 37.3 78.4 110.1 97.3 62.1
Single 29.3 55.5 61.7 52.9 28.9 52.6 62.9 48.4 26.3
Hold 23.2 51.5 49.9 28.2 8.4 25.8 47.2 48.8 35.7
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 34 65 70 55 28 54 70 58 35
Single 26 47 53 45 25 45 54 41 23
Hold 8 18 17 10 3 9 16 17 12
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 469 737.3
Single 359 418.3
Hold 110 319