Hello, Hoshiwo Kazoete (School Idol Festival AC)

Duration 1:33 / 93 seconds
Artist Rin Hoshizora (C.V: Riho iida), Maki Nishikino (C.V: Pile), and Hanayo Koizumi (C.V: Yurika Kubo)
Description Part of the Love Live! The School Idol Movie's soundtrack. The adorableness of the first-year girls is out in full force. The optimistic lyrics send your worries packing and complement the lovely, jazzy tone.
Release date 2024 / 04 / 11
Internal ID #1137
Difficulty Notes Notes/s Score multiplier
Master (15) 461 4.96 x769.2 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Master level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 6 1 2 7 9 8 4 3 5
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 72.1 116.3 114.3 65.6 44.7 63.7 108.3 110.8 73.7
Single 32.1 50.5 56.7 39.7 18.4 34.9 58.8 56.5 32.9
Hold 40.1 65.8 57.6 25.9 26.2 28.8 49.6 54.2 40.8
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 41 66 69 43 25 40 68 67 42
Single 27 43 49 34 16 30 51 48 28
Hold 14 23 20 9 9 10 17 19 14
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 461 769.2
Single 326 380.4
Hold 135 388.9