Dazzling White Town

Duration 2:01 / 121 seconds
Artist Saint Snow
Description With lyrics like, "It all starts here" and "Snow whirls through the air," this song depicts the Saint Snow girls setting off from the snowy land of Hakodate to take on the world. This is their only single with a PV, but it pulls no stops in showing just how cool they are against a backdrop of Hakodate's city streets.
Release date 2020 / 08 / 19
Internal ID #2132
Difficulty Notes Notes/s Score multiplier
Normal (5) 160 1.32 x196.5 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Hard (7) 271 2.24 x355.2 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Expert (9) 435 3.6 x560.2 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
No characters with group bonus
Expert level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 7 6 1 4 9 3 2 5 8
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 47.1 62.7 83.4 72.3 29.4 74.8 77.9 67 45.6
Single 38.4 50.6 65.9 63.5 29.4 65.9 60.3 54.9 36.9
Hold 8.8 12.2 17.6 8.8 0 8.8 17.7 12.2 8.8
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 36 48 63 58 25 60 58 52 35
Single 33 44 57 55 25 57 52 48 32
Hold 3 4 6 3 0 3 6 4 3
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 435 560.2
Single 403 465.6
Hold 32 94.7
Hard level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 9 5 3 4 7 2 1 6 8
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 17.9 45.2 50.1 46.9 30.6 50.3 51.2 44.3 18.9
Single 17.9 31.3 36.3 32.6 30.6 36.2 37.4 30.4 18.9
Hold 0 13.8 13.8 14.2 0 14.2 13.7 13.8 0
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 16 33 37 34 27 37 38 32 17
Single 16 28 32 29 27 32 33 27 17
Hold 0 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 0
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 271 355.2
Single 241 271.5
Hold 30 83.7
Normal level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 8 3 1 5 7 4 2 6 9
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 15 23.5 29.1 23.2 17.4 23.2 29.1 21.3 14.8
Single 10 20.7 26.2 15.1 17.4 15.1 26.2 18.5 9.8
Hold 5 2.8 2.8 8.2 0 8.2 2.8 2.8 5
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 11 20 25 17 16 17 25 18 11
Single 9 19 24 14 16 14 24 17 9
Hold 2 1 1 3 0 3 1 1 2
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 160 196.5
Single 146 158.8
Hold 14 37.8