Tragic Drops

Duration 1:26 / 86 seconds
Description Song from the smartphone app Link! Like! Love Live! featured in "FesΓ—LIVE" in May 2023. Themed to the early-summer rain prominent in the climate of Kanazawa, this intense, emotional rock-style piece features a somewhat nostalgic undertone describing a timid love that is best described in music rather than words.
Release date 2023 / 06 / 15
Internal ID #5013
Difficulty Notes Notes/s Score multiplier
Normal (5) 187 2.17 x221.3 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Hard (7) 242 2.81 x317 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
Expert (9) 303 3.52 x407.8 View chart View cards ranking View best teams
No characters with group bonus
Expert level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 7 3 2 6 9 5 1 4 8
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 27.2 63 63.2 42.1 14.7 42.2 70.3 59 26.1
Single 21.8 46.2 54.7 25.3 14.7 25.2 47.7 44.8 20.3
Hold 5.4 16.8 8.6 16.8 0 17 22.6 14.2 5.8
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 21 47 51 28 13 28 50 45 20
Single 19 41 48 22 13 22 42 40 18
Hold 2 6 3 6 0 6 8 5 2
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 303 407.8
Single 265 300.5
Hold 38 107.2
Hard level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 7 3 2 6 9 4 1 5 8
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 23.9 48.5 53.6 31 7.8 35.9 59.6 34 22.7
Single 15.3 28.9 42.5 25.7 7.8 30.3 42.6 31.5 14.6
Hold 8.6 19.6 11.2 5.4 0 5.6 17 2.6 8.2
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 17 33 42 25 7 29 44 29 16
Single 14 26 38 23 7 27 38 28 13
Hold 3 7 4 2 0 2 6 1 3
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 242 317
Single 214 239
Hold 28 78
Normal level data
Top scoring lanes
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Position (1 is best) 7 1 5 6 8 3 2 4 9
Score multipliers per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 14.8 34.1 29.4 26.5 11 31.4 33.6 29.7 10.9
Single 12 28.5 24.1 20.9 11 26.2 30.9 29.7 10.9
Hold 2.8 5.6 5.2 5.6 0 5.2 2.8 0 0
Note counts per lane
Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4
Total 12 28 24 21 10 26 29 27 10
Single 11 26 22 19 10 24 28 27 10
Hold 1 2 2 2 0 2 1 0 0
Note type distribution
Count Score multiplier
Total 187 221.3
Single 177 194
Hold 10 27.2