Mermaid festa vol.2 ~Passionate~

This tool calculates the teams with the highest All-Perfect average or maximum scores for this song and difficulty. The non-skill score depends on the base score and should stay the same across all plays, while the skill-based score depends on how lucky you are with the skill activation rolls.

While after the latest revisions the estimated/simulated scores seem close to the actual ones, the formulas/algorithms are still incomplete and the scores should be a little bit lower than the ones from the game.

This team was generated using all the cards in the game.

Open shareable link for this team

Left4 Left3 Left2 Left1 Center Right1 Right2 Right3 Right4

Lv 100 / SL 9

Lv 100 / SL 9

Lv 100 / SL 9

Lv 100 / SL 9

Lv 100 / SL 9

Lv 100 / SL 9

Lv 100 / SL 9

Lv 100 / SL 9

Lv 100 / SL 9
Guest Center Skill Smile P increased by 10%
Team P 40457 + 4048 (center skill) + 4048 (guest center skill) = 48553
Estimated non-skill score (AP) 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 693448
Estimated average score 693448 (non-skill score) + 735249 (average skill score) = 1428697
Estimated maximum score 693448 (non-skill score) + 2455350 (maximum skill score) = 3148798
Score from 1000 simulations
  • Average: 693977 (non-skill score) + 740368 (skills score) = 1434345
  • Percentile 10: 693977 (non-skill score) + 646459 (skills score) = 1340436
  • Percentile 50: 693977 (non-skill score) + 741951 (skills score) = 1435928
  • Percentile 90: 693977 (non-skill score) + 830235 (skills score) = 1524212
  • Percentile 95: 693977 (non-skill score) + 855067 (skills score) = 1549044
  • Percentile 99: 693977 (non-skill score) + 893239 (skills score) = 1587216
  • Percentile 99.5: 693977 (non-skill score) + 901692 (skills score) = 1595669
Center Skill Smile P increased by 10%
Stats Level 100
Smile P 5610
Pure P 3926
Cool P 4010
Skill Level 9 Every 19 notes, there is a 17% chance of increasing the score of each note by 332 for 4 seconds.
Estimated non-skill score 10 % (Team P ratio) x 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 96148
Estimated skill score 332 x 26.5% (average note coverage for AP) x 895 = 78719 (average skill score for AP)
Simulated skill score 332 x 26.3% (actual note coverage in simulations) x 895 = 77865
Estimated total score 96148 (estimated non-skill score) + 78719 (estimated skill score) = 174867
Stats Level 100
Smile P 4100
Pure P 5594
Cool P 3852
Skill Level 9 Every 25 combo, there is a 27% chance of increasing the score of each note by 311 for 4 seconds.
Estimated non-skill score 10 % (Team P ratio) x 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 70269
Estimated skill score 311 x 29.3% (average note coverage for AP) x 895 = 81679 (average skill score for AP)
Simulated skill score 311 x 29.7% (actual note coverage in simulations) x 895 = 82340
Estimated total score 70269 (estimated non-skill score) + 81679 (estimated skill score) = 151948
Stats Level 100
Smile P 3955
Pure P 3899
Cool P 5536
Skill Level 9 Every 19 PERFECTs, there is a 21% chance of increasing the score of each note by 317 for 4 seconds.
Estimated non-skill score 10 % (Team P ratio) x 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 67798
Estimated skill score 317 x 32.1% (average note coverage for AP) x 895 = 91171 (average skill score for AP)
Simulated skill score 317 x 32.5% (actual note coverage in simulations) x 895 = 92185
Estimated total score 67798 (estimated non-skill score) + 91171 (estimated skill score) = 158969
Stats Level 100
Smile P 5439
Pure P 3890
Cool P 3905
Skill Level 9 Every 27 PERFECTs, there is a 24% chance of increasing the score of each note by 319 for 4 seconds.
Estimated non-skill score 10 % (Team P ratio) x 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 93221
Estimated skill score 319 x 26.7% (average note coverage for AP) x 895 = 76336 (average skill score for AP)
Simulated skill score 319 x 26.6% (actual note coverage in simulations) x 895 = 76075
Estimated total score 93221 (estimated non-skill score) + 76336 (estimated skill score) = 169557
Stats Level 100
Smile P 5527
Pure P 3737
Cool P 4126
Skill Level 9 Every 24 notes, there is a 27% chance of increasing the score of each note by 266 for 4 seconds.
Estimated non-skill score 10 % (Team P ratio) x 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 94734
Estimated skill score 266 x 32.9% (average note coverage for AP) x 895 = 78330 (average skill score for AP)
Simulated skill score 266 x 32.4% (actual note coverage in simulations) x 895 = 76970
Estimated total score 94734 (estimated non-skill score) + 78330 (estimated skill score) = 173065
Stats Level 100
Smile P 3940
Pure P 3944
Cool P 5506
Skill Level 9 Every 28 combo, there is a 30% chance of increasing the score of each note by 314 for 4 seconds.
Estimated non-skill score 10 % (Team P ratio) x 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 67527
Estimated skill score 314 x 29.3% (average note coverage for AP) x 895 = 82378 (average skill score for AP)
Simulated skill score 314 x 29.5% (actual note coverage in simulations) x 895 = 83235
Estimated total score 67527 (estimated non-skill score) + 82378 (estimated skill score) = 149905
Stats Level 100
Smile P 4020
Pure P 3861
Cool P 5587
Skill Level 9 Every 19 notes, there is a 17% chance of increasing the score of each note by 332 for 4 seconds.
Estimated non-skill score 10 % (Team P ratio) x 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 68898
Estimated skill score 332 x 26.5% (average note coverage for AP) x 895 = 78719 (average skill score for AP)
Simulated skill score 332 x 27.2% (actual note coverage in simulations) x 895 = 80550
Estimated total score 68898 (estimated non-skill score) + 78719 (estimated skill score) = 147617
Stats Level 100
Smile P 3995
Pure P 5561
Cool P 3912
Skill Level 9 Every 26 PERFECTs, there is a 26% chance of increasing the score of each note by 337 for 4 seconds.
Estimated non-skill score 10 % (Team P ratio) x 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 68484
Estimated skill score 337 x 29.8% (average note coverage for AP) x 895 = 90003 (average skill score for AP)
Simulated skill score 337 x 30.4% (actual note coverage in simulations) x 895 = 91290
Estimated total score 68484 (estimated non-skill score) + 90003 (estimated skill score) = 158487
Stats Level 100
Smile P 3871
Pure P 5483
Cool P 3958
Skill Level 9 Every 17 notes, there is a 16% chance of increasing the score of each note by 318 for 4 seconds.
Estimated non-skill score 10 % (Team P ratio) x 607 (base note score) x 1142.4 (total multiplier) = 66370
Estimated skill score 318 x 27.4% (average note coverage for AP) x 895 = 77913 (average skill score for AP)
Simulated skill score 318 x 27.8% (actual note coverage in simulations) x 895 = 78760
Estimated total score 66370 (estimated non-skill score) + 77913 (estimated skill score) = 144283